Feather Copter – Attachment for Frenzy Wand


Frenzy Feather Copter

Another fantastic attachment the Frenzy wand. Guaranteed to bring excitement and fun to your cats playtime …..

This superb toy has a fast spin and great flapping noise , and can be heard flying through the air. It will bring out the real hunter in your cat as they try to catch this prey!

The Copter has four pheasant flight feathers to produce high spin rates even with slow forward motion so you can fly these slower than a standard refill while getting a faster spin and better sound.

With four flight feathers there is also more feather to destroy before the refill becomes unusable so should last longer than a standard refill.

All feathers are hand plucked not factory plucked ensuring a high quality and are from British Pheasant Birds that are free to lead a natural life before entering the British food chain.

Simply clip on to play!

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SKU: FR-Cop Category:


Frenzy Feather Copter Another fantastic attachment the Frenzy wand.

Guaranteed to bring excitement and fun to your cats playtime ….. This superb toy has a fast spin and great flapping noise, and can be heard flying through the air. It will bring out the real hunter in your cat as they try to catch this prey!

The Copter has four pheasant flight feathers to produce high spin rates even with slow forward motion so you can fly these slower than a standard refill while getting a faster spin and better sound. With four flight feathers there is also more feather to destroy before the refill becomes unusable so should last longer than a standard refill.

All feathers are hand plucked not factory plucked ensuring a high quality and are from British Pheasant Birds that are free to lead a natural life before entering the British food chain.

Simply clip on to play!

Safety – As with all fishing rod toys, please ensure supervised play at all times. The Frenzy toys are extremely addictive to cats AND owners, make sure to limit play sessions to 5 or 10 minutes at a time so your cat has time to recover – they will likely just carry on trying to catch it until they drop! As the Flying Frenzy toys are so adored with cats of all ages, it is recommended to keep the toy securely locked away, your cat will seek it out and destroy it otherwise!


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